Welcome to the Open Inventor Toolkit Use Case Gallery

Thermo Scientific™ Open Inventor™ Toolkit helps application developers deliver better applications faster, by providing fast, powerful, dependable 3D graphics libraries.
In this gallery you will find commercial application examples, scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or videos that show Open Inventor Toolkit usage in Medical, Dental, Oil & Gas, and Engineering markets.
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FEA post-processing software for tire analysis (Michelin)

FEA post-processing software for tire analysis (Michelin)

Cars, two-wheel vehicles, trucks, construction machinery, tractors, aircraft… Michelin provides innovative solutions for the different operating conditions corresponding to each vehicle. To make this challenge a reality, they develop dedicated tire analysis software solutions. These solutions need to be very interactive and the visualization of 3D nonlinear data must be accurate to validate design solutions. Nowadays, 3D visualization is essential to validate design solutions at all s... Read more

Jacques Charreyron, Michelin

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